X LUBE Powder Lubricant 100g – Makes up to 5 Gallons
Love X Lube
X Lube is your favorite lube for all kinds of play. Added to water it produces a crystal clear gel free of any tastes or odors. The lubricant has a natural feel, and is extremely slippery with a long-lasting cushioning slide.
Easy to use
Mix it to your needs and simply add X Lube Powder to water (not the other way round) – stir or shake – that’s it!
Easy to clean
Wash your sheets and towels in the machine – no stains, no remains. If you have some spillage wipe it away with a dry towel or cloth – done!
What’s new?
- Reinvented as powder-granulates
- Mixes more quickly and more easily
- Provides extra slide and cushioning
No Additives
- Free from sugars
- Free from preservatives
- No fillers, no dispersing or bulking agents
How do I mix X Lube?
Most importantly: always add X Lube powder to water and not the other way round. The rest is straightforward.
If you mix it in a bottle or a sports bottle just follow the step-by-step guide on the bottle and the leaflet attached.
Should you prefer to mix it in a bowl, fill it with warm water and use a fork or something similar and slowly stir the powder in. Occasionally stir the mixture again until it has dissolved. You can use the gel after 20-30mins, but it’s best developed after an hour or so.
Don’t use a blender or mechanical mixer as it chops the lube apart turning it into water.
Is tap water ok?
Yes, but… the quality of tap water varies greatly from country to country and is often chlorinated. We, therefore, recommend you boil it before use, which not only disinfects the water properly but also gets rid of any free chloride. Also if you let the water cool to about 40-50 degrees X Lube powder will dissolve even faster. Alternatively use bottled water, this way you can be sure it’s free of chloride. Why is this important? Frankly, X Lube doesn’t like chloride. It turns it back to water. This is great if you need to get rid of any residues from your bowl or bottle etc. Just add a small amount of household bleach, let it do its work and in minutes you can rinse it clean.
What if it hasn’t dissolved properly?
In the unlikely event that this is happening, just shake or stir the gel a couple of times more. In our experience, that solves the issue beautifully given a bit of extra time. What causes it is simply that the powder is lighter than water and floats to the top before being thoroughly absorbed. If you mix X Lube in a bottle, it is also a good idea to lay the bottle horizontally between shaking.
How do I store X Lube Gel?
Out of sunlight, in an air-tight container (bottle, Tupperware etc.) and ideally in a cool place like a fridge. Best when used within 14 days of mixing.
Why not use a blender?
Using a blender is the harshest way to mix X Lube. A blender with its high-speed blades chops your valuable long-chained X Lube Gel into small pieces turning it into water – the opposite of what you want to achieve.
If you insist on using a blender, make sure that you use its pulse function only once or twice at the very beginning of the mixing process. We generally recommend mixing X Lube in a bottle or bowl as shown in our videos – you end up with a better lube and you have less to clean up.
How do I measure X Lube?
New X Lube 2019 comes as a concentrated especially refined powder-granulate. As little as 3g added to 500ml of water makes a rich lubricant gel.
3g is roughly a heaped red lid of X Lube powder and is an ideal measure. For heavier play, such as fisting or large toys, where you desire more cushioning from your lube, we recommend an additional cap on 500ml.
Three caps might be the maximum you want to add, after that the lube becomes very viscous and heavy, and not that easy to handle.
However, as with all these things, it’s a matter of your personal taste. The great thing is, that with a little experimentation you will soon find the right powder-to-water ratio that suits you best.
Polyethylene Oxide
Made in Germany.